Martha wallpaper Hero Wars

Martha Guide Hero Wars Alliance

Main Attributes
Position Backline
Function Support, Tank
Main Statistics Intelligence
Faction Mystery
How to Obtain Special Events, Heroic Chests, VIP Store
Tier List
Hero Tier List A
Hydra Tier List S

Maximizing Martha's Healing Powers: A Hero Wars Alliance Strategy Guide

In the dynamic world of Hero Wars Alliance, mastering the abilities of each hero is essential for building formidable teams and achieving victory in battle. Among the array of heroes available, Martha stands out as one of the premier healers and supporters, wielding unparalleled healing powers and strategic utility. In this guide, we'll delve into Martha's abilities and discuss effective strategies for utilizing her to her fullest potential.

Understanding Martha's Abilities

Martha possesses a unique blend of healing and support abilities that make her indispensable in any team composition. Let's break down her skills:

  1. Foremother's Oath (1st Ability): This skill grants a significant speed boost to all allies, enhancing their mobility and enabling them to act swiftly in battle. With a well-timed activation, Martha can turn the tide of a fight by ensuring her allies have the upper hand in terms of positioning and reaction time.
  2. Secret of Longevity (2nd Ability): Martha's basic attacks possess the remarkable ability to heal her when they connect with an enemy. The amount of health restored scales with the distance the projectile travels, making Martha increasingly resilient as the battle progresses. This passive healing ensures Martha's sustainability throughout prolonged engagements, allowing her to keep her allies alive even in the midst of chaos.
  3. Tea Party (3rd Ability): Martha conjures a totem that stands as a beacon of healing for her allies. This totem provides continuous health regeneration to nearby allies, bolstering their survivability in the heat of combat. Importantly, enemies cannot target the totem directly, forcing them to contend with the persistent healing presence it provides.
  4. Healing Brew (4th Ability): While the totem is active, Martha's healing prowess reaches new heights as she directs additional healing to the ally with the lowest health. This targeted healing ensures that allies on the brink of defeat receive the support they need to endure, turning potential defeats into hard-fought victories.

Effective Strategies for Using Martha

Now that we've explored Martha's abilities, let's discuss some strategies for maximizing her effectiveness on the battlefield:

  1. Supporting Frontline Tanks: While Martha's healing abilities are invaluable for keeping all allies alive, they are particularly potent when paired with frontline tanks. By ensuring that tanks remain topped off with health, Martha enables them to absorb maximum damage and draw attention away from more vulnerable allies.
  2. Countering Backline Threats: Martha's utility extends beyond healing, as she excels at countering enemies who lurk in the backline, such as Jhu and Jorgen. By strategically positioning Martha and her totem, players can disrupt the enemy's formation and apply pressure to high-priority targets, turning the tide of battle in their favor.
  3. Synergizing with Speed-based Teams: Martha's Foremother's Oath ability grants a substantial speed boost to all allies, making her an excellent addition to teams that rely on speed and mobility to gain an advantage. Pairing Martha with heroes who benefit from increased speed can create synergies that allow for swift and coordinated assaults on the enemy.
  4. Timing Activation of Abilities: The key to mastering Martha lies in timing the activation of her abilities for maximum impact. Whether it's deploying her totem at a crucial moment to turn the tide of battle or directing her Healing Brew towards a wounded ally in need, understanding when and how to use Martha's abilities is essential for success.

Martha's Talisman Guide

With the Talisman, Martha gains an additional 6,000 points of magical attack, leaving her with a total of 95,104 points of magical attack, and an additional 2,000 of magical defense from the Talisman's intelligence attribute. She also gains an additional 165,000 health points with Reroll in the slots and 631,347 points for total life.

With more magical attacks, Martha improves her ability to restore the health of her allies with the Tea Party skill. In addition, Martha's passive skill provides additional healing to the ally with less health, and this ability depends on the total amount of Martha's health.

With more life, she also improves her ability to restore her own life, so Martha will become much more resistant, being the best backline tank in the Hero Wars Alliance.

Longevity Talisman Attributes
Slot Statistics Points
0 Intelligence +2000
1 Health +55000
2 Health +55000
3 Health +55000

Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Healer
  • Increases team speed
  • A strong tank against enemies that attack in the back line;

Negative Points

  • It takes to much time to heal allies
  • Deals little damage

Martha Stats Evolution Priority

Glyphs Priority - Health
Priority Attribute
1 Health
2 Magic Attack
3 Intelligence
4 Armor
5 Magical Defense
Glyphs Priority - Artifacts
Priority Artifact
1 Book
2 Weapon (Armor)
3 Ring
Glyphs Priority - Skins
Priority Skin
1 Health
2 Intelligence
3 Magic Attack (super skin)
4 Magic Attack
5 Magical Defense
Martha with Super Skin, Hero Wars Mobile.
Martha with Super Skin, Hero Wars Mobile.

Martha vs Hydras

Martha is a great hero against hydras she can heal the team a lot with her teapot and also speed up her allies, it's a great combo to help with the Jhu and Mojo combo against hydras, and also help with the Xe'sha and Aidan combo.

Martha vs hydra

Martha against Hydra in Hero Wars Mobile

Martha in Battles

Strong Against

  • Jorgen - Jhu - Orion - Artemis - Cleaver - Astrid and Lucas


  • Celeste - Luther - Keira - Ginger - Kayla

Martha: Best Teams Guide

Martha, the esteemed healer and supporter in Hero Wars, shines brightest when paired with synergistic allies who can maximize her healing powers and utility on the battlefield. In this guide, we'll explore some of the best team compositions featuring Martha that can dominate in various game modes.

  1. Martha, Faceless, Jorgen, Satori, Astaroth:
    • This team composition revolves around disrupting enemy formations and dealing significant damage with Satori while Martha keeps the team sustained with her healing abilities. Faceless can copy essential enemy skills, Jorgen can disrupt enemy energy regeneration, and Astaroth serves as a sturdy frontline tank.
  2. Martha, Jorgen, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth:
    • Celeste enhances the team's survivability with her healing block, and heals, complementing Martha's own healing capabilities. Jorgen's energy manipulation disrupts enemy abilities, while Satori deals damage based on marked enemy, making this team effective against opponents.
  3. Martha, Lars, Jorgen, Krista, Astaroth:
    • Lars and Krista provide high damage output and crowd control effects, while Martha and Jorgen ensure the team's sustainability and disrupt enemy strategies. Astaroth's tankiness helps protect the backline heroes, allowing them to unleash their full potential.
  4. Martha, Faceless, Jorgen, K'arkh, Astaroth:
    • K'arkh serves as the primary damage dealer in this team composition, with Martha and Jorgen providing support and disruption. Faceless can copy powerful enemy abilities, adding versatility to the team's strategy. Astaroth's tanking abilities ensure that the damage dealers stay protected.
  5. Martha, Faceless, Nebula, K'arkh, Astaroth:
    • Nebula enhances the team's damage output by buffing allies' attack power, while Martha and Astaroth maintain the team's survivability. Faceless can copy crucial enemy abilities, and K'arkh serves as the primary damage dealer with his high burst damage potential.

These team compositions are just a starting point, and players are encouraged to experiment with different hero combinations based on their playstyle and the specific challenges they face. Whether in arena battles, dungeon runs, or guild wars, Martha's presence in a team can significantly elevate its performance, turning the tide of battle in your favor. So assemble your team wisely, harness Martha's healing powers, and lead your heroes to victory in Hero Wars!

Martha Guide Conclusion

In conclusion, Martha stands as a pillar of support and healing within the ranks of Hero Wars Alliance, offering unparalleled utility and strategic value to any team fortunate enough to wield her powers. By understanding her abilities and employing effective strategies, players can harness Martha's full potential and emerge victorious in even the most challenging battles. So, assemble your team, unleash Martha's healing powers, and march towards triumph on the battlefield of Hero Wars Alliance.

Video suggestion

Video: Top 4 Healers Hero Wars(subtitles).

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